Castle Windsor NServiceBus lifestyle manager – PerMessageLifestyleManager

I found myself in a similar position as with my previous post…  I want some instances to be bound to the lifetime of processing a message in NServiceBus…  Within about half a day of posting my WCF solution someone pointed me at one that already existed in the WCF Facility for Windsor.  So – I wonder if this was re-inventing the wheel (I promise I do look for what’s there before building it myself!)…

I’ve made a bit of an assumption that a Message is always handled by a single thread.  In WCF / ASP.Net land you can’t guarantee this…  But looking at some code that’s already out there (for example the saga persister) I noticed that it was using thread static to store state…  So, Udi – or any other contributors to NSB (to whom I’m very grateful already because the project is awesome) – let me know if this is a wrong assumption…

I decided to create a MessageContext (which is ThreadStatic) where I could put the instances resolved from the container.  I was thinking it might be useful to have such a thing to stuff various things into in the future…  Couldn’t see anything obvious that already existed..?

Next thing to do is create a MessageModule which will ensure that objects are evicted from the container once a message has been handled.

Lastly, create a lifestyle which checks the MessageContext for an existing instance.  If no instance is found then a new one is resolved from the container and it’s registered for eviction with the message module…  (This is a little different to how I did it for the WCF version).

Here’s the code…

public class MessageContext



    private static MessageContext current;


    public static MessageContext Current




            if (current == null)


                current = new MessageContext();


            return current;




    private readonly IDictionary<string, object> items = new Dictionary<string, object>();


    public object this[string key]




            object item;

            items.TryGetValue(key, out item);

            return item;




    public void Add(string key, object item)


        items.Add(key, item);



    public bool Remove(string key)


        return items.Remove(key);





public class PerMessageLifestyleManager : AbstractLifestyleManager


        private bool evicting;

        private readonly string perMessageKey = "PerMessageKey_" + Guid.NewGuid();


        public override object Resolve(Castle.MicroKernel.CreationContext context)


            var instance = MessageContext.Current[perMessageKey];

            if (instance == null)


                instance = base.Resolve(context);

                MessageContext.Current.Add(perMessageKey, instance);

                WindsorLifestyleMessageModule.RegisterForEviction(this, instance);


            return instance;



        public override bool Release(object instance)


            if (!evicting) return false;


            bool released = base.Release(instance);




            return released;



        public void Evict(object instance)


            using (new EvictionScope(this))






        public override void Dispose()





        private class EvictionScope : IDisposable


            private readonly PerMessageLifestyleManager owner;


            public EvictionScope(PerMessageLifestyleManager owner)


                this.owner = owner;

                this.owner.evicting = true;



            public void Dispose()


                owner.evicting = false;





public class WindsorLifestyleMessageModule : IMessageModule


        /// <summary>

        /// NServiceBus has 1 thread per message handler.

        /// </summary>


        private static IDictionary<PerMessageLifestyleManager, object> perThreadEvict;


        public static void RegisterForEviction(PerMessageLifestyleManager manager, object instance)


            if (perThreadEvict == null)


                perThreadEvict = new Dictionary<PerMessageLifestyleManager, object>();



            perThreadEvict.Add(manager, instance);



        public void HandleBeginMessage()




        public void HandleEndMessage()





        public void HandleError()





        private void EvictInstancesCreatedDuringMessageHandling()


            if (perThreadEvict == null)



            foreach (var itemToEvict in perThreadEvict)


                var manager = itemToEvict.Key;





            perThreadEvict = null;



About Tom Peplow

C# .Net developer based in London and the South Coast
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3 Responses to Castle Windsor NServiceBus lifestyle manager – PerMessageLifestyleManager

  1. Your assumptions are fine!

    I did a similar solution for StructureMap a while back

  2. Pingback: Repository Pattern in Entity Framework 4.0 | pep => lowdown

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